Would you like to learn how to add a user on your website?


# 1. Log In to the Backend

Your Appnet support representative has sent you your username and password to access your website.

In order to log in to your website, you have to go to yourdomainname.com/wp-admin

Input your username and password, then click “Log In”.

how to log in to your domain name website

# 2. Click on the Users Tab

Now that you are in the backend of your website, you can see the different tabs on the left-hand side. Click on the tab named “Users”.


# 3. Click on the “Add New” on the top

Click on the “Add New” on top of the users page so that you can add the details to add a user.

add new user

# 4. Enter in the details of your new user

Username: Put the name of who will be using this User.
Email: Put the email they regularly check.
Password: This will automatically generate a password but you can use whatever sequence that works for you and them. Make sure it is Strong.
Role: Administrator is what I usually select. This gives them the “keys to the kingdom” so be careful with who you give this access to.
Add New User: Click this once all of the required details are filled in.

users add new

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